Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good Luck-2050

Good Luck-2050
Good Luck-2050 by elyon61 featuring leather shorts

The only way to survive in the Nuclear Desert- radiation goggles, street smarts, and leather. Lots of it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Discovery Day: Black Milk Clothing

    If I could wear these swimsuits and leggings every day during the summer, they would make 90 degree weather and nasty sunburns worth it. They are the perfect conglomeration of nerdy, kitsch, graphic, and goth.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Melting Nazis? Count Me In!

   I've always felt a kind of kinship with Indiana Jones. Hello, fellow archaeologist from Indiana! Okay, so I'm not technically an archaeologist yet. I'm just an archaeologist in spirit. But I think that counts for something. Right?
   Oh, yeah. So what do dancing girls have to do with Indiana Jones? The opening credits of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I had already gotten my fill of melting (and exploding! Exploding!) Nazis from the Lost Ark, and then dancing girls in tophats and sequined booty shorts? Make my day, why don'cha, Indiana???
   Incidentally, the special effects for those melting-and-exploding Nazis are really fucking creepy for Ye Olde Days of film making, so I'm gonna go ahead and leave the nightmare-inducing pictures off of here. Instead, I'm opting for my favorite scene in the Lost Ark; Sabre-Wielding Arab Ninja Vs. Indy!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Gasoline Glamour Shoes

Awesome shoe quota for the day? Fulfilled.

These shoes are absolutely, positively perfect. Excessive bling? Check. Perverted romantic/religious imagery? Check. Stripper-esque platforms? Cheeeeck. A few of the shoes on the site are leaning more on the side of tacky bad taste (Confederate flag soles? Ew.) , but those are more than made up for.

Also, this brand is Adam Lambert-approved. 'Nuff said.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Curse of Middle America

   Most of the time, I have very few complaints about being a vegetarian in small-town America. I'm not picky about what I eat, and I have no problem eating the same thing 4 days in a row. The only thing I ever have a problem with is my limited choice in quality shoes and handbags. And even then, I can find enough stuff to keep me satisfied. But today, I just got fed up. My family was deciding where to go for dinner, and made a specific point of asking me. Naturally, I wouldn't have minded staying home and making my own food, but my family being "traditional" we had to eat together. So of course we had to go to one of the mediocre family-style restaurants in town, the kind of place that thinks mashed taters, fried chicken, and a tiny bit of corn constitute a well-balanced meal. And, as usual, I managed to scrape together a decent meal from the scant offerings, but I'm getting tired. I can't live forever on mashed potatoes and wilting salad bars! Every time I eat out, I can't help but remember the offerings at Brown University's cafeteria... curry, tofu scramble, "chicken" nuggets... my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
   Aside from delicious vegan food, it's not that hard to make food about a million times more veggie-friendly. Vegetable soup should be made with vegetables. Only vegetables. Mac-and-cheese shouldn't have bacon in it. Double goes for green beans. And you know what? Take the goddamn marshmallows off the goddamn sweet potatoes!! I like sweet potatoes. I want to eat sweet potatoes. Can someone make that possible, pleeeaaase???

See? (Okay, not Brown's cafeteria food... but doesn't it look amazing?!)
And this? I think I'd rather leave it to the buzzards, thank you very much.

A few images from The Land Before Time came up when I searched "anti-meat". I like The Land Before Time. My friends and I once got up at 8:00 AM, crawled over to the nearest TV, popped in The Land Before Time, and watched the movie in it's entirety before we said a single word to each other. It was an interesting experience. Reflecting, it kind of feels like something a hipster would make up on the spot to impress his pseudo-intellectual friends. But, ah, well. Everyone has a hipster moment. We just must learn from our experience and move on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LUISAVIAROMA Style Challenge: Cool Street (Military) Style

LUISAVIAROMA Style Challenge: Cool Street (Military) Style
LUISAVIAROMA Style Challenge: Cool Street (Military) Style by elyon61 featuring a peep toe heel

This set was uber-fun. I built the set around the shoes, which are absolutely beautiful with all the military-style brooches on the uppers. Then, of course, I found the Balmain jacket, which I've had a sartorial crush on since I first saw it on the runway! I had to include it. This outfit may have a little too much going on for most people, but I love the idea of a psuedo-military fashionista conquering the world in this outfit!